Thursday, February 26, 2009

Biscuits and Gravy Substitute

I was making breakfast for myself on my day off last week and I thought that it was too good for me to pass up blogging about it. 

This has been affectionately known in my family as Creamed Eggs and Ham, but for obvious purposes as you'll find out later, we're going to rename it Creamed Eggs and Whatever-sort-of-breakfast-meat-you-want. Voila´!!!

This is what we start with.
Start by boiling some eggs, and preparing your meat. I have cooked some bacon and some sausage. Don't worry, I didn't eat it all, I put the extra bacon in the fridge for BLT's some other time. Also, there is milk, salt, pepper and Coleman's Dry Mustard (the most important part). Also, drinking a cup of coffee while making this only makes the experience better. Oh, and there's a squirt bottle for misbehaving cats. 

Once you have your eggs and meat prepared, you make a rue, sort of like a white gravy that you would for biscuits and gravy or a chicken fried steak gravy. Start by melting 2 tablespoons of butter in a pot. Once it's melted, add 2 tablespoons of flour and mix. Add milk slowly so the mixture doesn't clump until you have reached the consistancy of a thick gravy. Eventually you'll develop a taste for how you like it. Once you have reached the consistency that you like, add 1 table spoon of the dry mustard, again to taste. Also, salt and pepper to taste. If you have seasoned salt, again, salt to taste. Once you have mixture the way you want, add the eggs and the meat and stir together. 

This is served over toast. Also, I have some aesthetic suggestions of how best to enjoy the meal, with a glass of orange juice, finishing your coffee, and your favorite rural Nebraska news paper; the Seward County Independent for example. Enjoy.


Raych K. said...

do you really still get the seward independent?! i'm kindda jealous! if you ever see anything about Adam Kohlmeier (cute little 7th grader) could you cut it out for me?! :D

AshleyEffken said...

Pretty nice spread there, Martha. ;). You should write something on here again soon. And if you can send me some Coleman's so I can make this some morning and think of you, that'd be great.